Dec 03, 2022

I could go on and on about the innumerable ways dance has positively impacted my life. When you've been at something for over 40 years, chances are that it's changed you in many ways.

I started ballet class when I was in kindergarten at 5 years old because I had seen "The Nutcracker" with Mikhail Baryshnikov on PBS and wanted to be Clara. I had no idea that five years later, ballet would literally save me.

I was extremely shy as a child, but a very good student. School was easy for me and I enjoyed the academics. I had a few close friends, but by 4th grade was starting to get picked on a lot by boys. I had gotten braces and was starting to have acne breakouts. Some of the girls were very "catty" and also enjoyed playing the "today you're my friend, but who knows about tomorrow" game.

It was also about this time that I started really blossoming in dance class. My confidence grew and I was chosen to perform a solo, as well as begin pointe lessons.

I could pour my emotions onto the dance floor. If I'd been picked on relentlessly at school, being called ugly and not fit to live, I could let my inner beauty shine through the movement. I was graceful and beautiful every time I was at the studio.

The next several years of middle school were even harder. I lacked confidence and self-worth. But instead of give up and give in, I continued to take more dance classes, adding jazz and tap to my repertoire. I loved dancing and loved who I could be... strong, confident, beautiful, and happy.

I attribute a lot of positive encouragement to my dance teacher, Barb, who taught me from age 6-17 before she retired. But dance itself is a wonderful anomaly...the dancer can communicate feelings and emotions without words. I didn't have to cry, or get angry, although I felt that way, I could use the feelings to power my movements.

This has improved immensely as I've aged and matured, understanding how to use the medium to express myself, or just use the movement to feel better. In essence, dance saved me. I could have ended up making poor choices for my life, but I chose to dance instead.

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