Dec 13, 2022

Kids need to move. Let's face it, people in general need to move. Our bodies are programmed to be most efficient when we keep them well tuned, and that includes exercising.

But should your child be in dance class? Firstly, kids don't need to be born a gifted dancer to attend classes. There are those kids who come out of the womb extremely coordinated with an amazing sense of rhythm.

If your child enjoys moving, especially when they hear music, then dance might be a good place to start. 

And despite what anyone says, it's NEVER too late to start! Just because they didn't begin ballet at age 3 doesn't mean they can join a novice class in their teens. If it's something they express interested in, encourage it! 

It also shouldn't be forced. It's so sad when a mom who never got to take dance forces her child into it. Once again, it comes down to finding the right fit of studio and instructors to meet your child's needs. They should always WANT to go to class, and leave happier than they entered.

Do they need to perform and be in the recital? It's always good to work through "stage fright" as it builds confidence. It also helps dancers to create bonds of friendship and cooperation when they are relying on and trusting each other to be there as a group. But again, no child should be forced on stage or in front of an audience if it causes anxiety or negative feelings.

So should your child dance? Perhaps the best thing to do is ask your child if they want to! If it's a "yes" then definitely give it a try!

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