Dec 03, 2022

Excuses. They come in many forms, and they always seem to get in the way! If you're an adult, you likely have a lot of adult responsibilities... taking care of kids/significant other, work, stuff around the house, bills, cooking, cleaning... the list could go on and on.

These are normal, daily activities. Yes, your kids probably don't drive themselves to school if they're under 16. Your job doesn't just do itself. And the biggest excuse I hear for everything is "There isn't enough time".

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Not to be cliche, but it's true. You need adequate sleep. And you need time to do all of those other things on your list (see above if you forgot).

But what about time for yourself? What about working out, or doing something enjoyable? So often I hear, "I just don't have the time" to come to a class or to exercise.

While I think there is some degree of truth to feeling overwhelmed as an adult, I also am a firm believer that we can make time for those things we cherish the most.

Aren't you worth it? Don't you deserve to feel good, to work on your own health?

Really, 45 minutes is less than 5% of most people's awake time in their day. You can't fill someone else's cup (help out and feel the energy to give of yourself) unless you fill up your own cup and take care of your needs first. It's not selfish, and the time is now. Don't wait.

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